

The Fundraising Committee challenges members to use their business skills to think outside the box and act upon their innovations to help raise funds for the organization. This platform will put our member’s creative and team player skills to the test which are crucial to one’s career in the long run.

What You’ll Do

  • Brainstorm monthly fundraising ideas
  • Assist in establishing a presence in e-commerce

What You’ll Learn

  • Raising and managing funds for the organization
  • An entrepreneurial mindset
  • Communication skills with committee members


The Social Committee highly values the importance of community in Ascend and creates various social activities to socialize and build an everlasting bond with other members. From spearheading social events/parties to organizing end-of-year banquets, members are exposed to event planning and operation management.

What You’ll Do

  • Planning monthly social events
  • Brainstorming and realizing new student body engagement ideas

What You’ll Learn

  • Event Planning
  • Operations Management
  • Communication skills with committee members


The Professional Committee members focus on successfully executing professional corporate events and skill-building workshops to gain insight on the process of managing events. Members also get access to exclusive professional workshops and opportunities to network with recruiters, professionals, and Ascend alumni.

What You’ll Do

  • Network exclusively with recruiters and professionals prior to events
  • Assist in creating corporate events and skill-building workshops

What You’ll Learn

  • Connect and build your network
  • Improve your personal LinkedIn profile
  • Outreach for event collaboration


The Marketing Committee will provide members insight into marketing and graphic design expertise to develop creative plans for branding and expanding the club’s digital presence. Members have the opportunity to sharpen media and computer skills with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

What You’ll Do

  • Collaborating with committees in the creative and designing process
  • Creation of digital marketing material to promote Ascend

What You’ll Learn

  • Social Media Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Creative Thinking


The Technology Committee focuses on educating members about software, programming, and designing skills in today’s rising technological world. In this committee, students will gain knowledge in programming, coding, 3-D designing, and web design expertise.

What You’ll Do

  • Weekly Tech Workshops
  • Coding and Designing Projects

What You’ll Learn

  • Coding/Programming
  • Web Design
  • 3D Modeling


What you learn and gain from our committees:

"I really enjoyed learning how fundraising events were designed and the creativity that goes on behind them. Bouncing ideas back and forth was the highlight of each meeting. It was fascinating to see how the funds we earned from previous events were allocated toward future ones. Not to mention how heartwarming it is to see the amount we raised as a club for non-profit charities."

Jadee Wong
Fundraising Committee - Spring 2022

"I learned more about how to collaborate and communicate better and effectively within groups for a successful social event. There is not just collaboration within the group I was in but also with other groups to make sure that each part of each group is responsible for their tasks. It was also enlightening to learn how to create a QR code, which I have never done before. Overall, being a part of the social committee was fun because of the people I work with and the diverse ideas and personalities everyone had."

Agnes Chen
Social Committee - Spring 2022

"I am so thrilled to have been a part of the professional committee this past year. The relationship I have built with the people here is unlike any other. The connections that I have made through their workshops and activities have been beyond compare. From resume reviews to the connections that I’ve made, I’d believe that I’ve grown as a person and also in the finance industry. Everyone in this committee has been influential and has created such an incredible experience for me. David has taught me about proper dress codes and that it is not the interview with the companies that matters most – it’s what leads up to the interviews and building relationships with people within the company. This professional committee has created a way for me to be better professionally and I am thankful to have been on this committee."

Devin Yuen
Professional Committee - Spring 2022

"Tech Committee has helped me sharpen my skills as a programmer and network with like-minded individuals at Baruch College who are passionate about developing a career focused on technology. Coming to Baruch College, I was unsure if I would be able actually to build a career as a software engineer since it’s a college primarily focused on business. However, with the workshops in tech committee, I was able to not only learn new skills in web development, but develop interviewing and resume writing skills, which landed me my first internship as a front-end developer. The workshops are designed very beginner friendly and in a fun and engaging way to learn new skills."

Sadiqur Sakib
Technology Committee - Spring 2022

"My experience in the marketing committee was positive overall, sparking new interests in related fields. I enjoyed seeing what went on behind the scenes in the marketing aspect of Ascend Baruch, and I learned a lot on how to create engaging and effective graphics. we also had workshops in the adobe programs and figma, where the figma workshop with the tech committee got me more interested in ui/ux design."

Brianna Li
Marketing Committee - Spring 2022